Migraine Headache





Correct Dose of progesterone

Progestins not to be used

No Estrogen Use

Thyroid Use

Testing for progesterone in the body

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Get Natural Progesterone

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Migraine Headaches
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Explore Some More Xenoestrogens Theo Colborn's Letter on the Dangers of Hormone Disruption



Suzanne Snedeker, PhD from Cornell University talks about xenoestrogens (environmental estrogens) increasing the risk for breast cancer and other female diseases.


Estrogen Dominance (Too Much Estrogen) Creates Hypothyroid by Decreasing the Sensitivity of the Thyroid Receptor Hormone


Progesterone Use Restores Thyroid Function

Women with migraine headaches have hypothyroid symptoms usually. But their thyroid blood level test is normal or low normal. What's the deal? They have thinning hair, unsightly weight gain, and feel cold and tired. But the thyroid blood test is normal!

Estrogen Dominance (too much estrogen) causes hypothyroid by lowering the thyroid receptor sensitivity, NOT by lowering the thyroid blood levels. Taking progesterone cream and avoiding xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens wakes up the thyroid receptor after 3-6 months and the hypothyroid goes away. Weight falls off without dieting or exercise. Sugar cravings go away. Hair begins to thicken for most people.

American women and women in developed countries have
too much estrogen. This estrogen excess, labeled estrogen dominance by John Lee, M.D., creates hypothyroid symptoms despite normal serum levels of thyroid hormone. Excess estrogen impedes the cellular utilization of thyroid hormone. Progesterone, and the avoidance of xenoestrogens restores thyroid function in the body. We typically find that women with Menstural migraine headaches also have PMS and ARE ALSO CLINICALLY HYPOTHYROID!!

by Elizabeth Smith, M.D.

Women with migraine headaches typically are also hypothyroid. They may feel sluggish and cold. They build up fat around the hips and belly. Their measured temperature is usually 97 by mouth instead of 98.6. Thyroid hormone made by the thyroid gland regulates the metabolic rate. Low thyroid tends to cause low energy levels, cold intolerance, and weight gain. Excess thyroid causes higher energy levels, feeling too warm, and weight loss. Hair begins to fall out.

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone in two basic flavors T3 and T4. T3 is the spark more potent of the two. The thyroid gland is stimulated thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by a small gland in the brain called the pituitary gland. This gland is stimulated in turn by thyrotropin-releasing hormone produced by the hypothalamus, another part of the brain.

Frequently, Dr. Lee, corrected symptoms of migraine headache, estrogen dominance, in his patients by using progesterone cream. PMS symptoms caused by estrogen dominance included fat and water retention, breast swelling, headaches and loss of sex drive. In estrogen dominant patients, migraine headache is also seen just before the period. He also found that they also had thyroid supplements prescribed based upon hypothyroid-like symptoms such as feeling tired or sluggish, a little cold intolerance, and thinning hair. However, laboratory measured thyroid levels T3 and T4 were normal, and TSH was only slightly elevated. After Dr. Lee corrected the migraine headache with progesterone, the patients with presumed hypothyroid symptoms became normal. Their hypothyroid symptoms decreased or disappeared!

 Migraine Headache light bullbAfter Dr. Lee corrected the PMS symptoms with progesterone, the patients with presumed hypothyroid symptoms became normal. Their hypothyroid symptoms decreased or disappeared!

One woman patient that I had did not shave her underarms for 5 years. She had a low normal T3, T4 and TSH. After taking natural progesterone and avoiding heated plastics in her food for her Fibrocystic Breast Disease, she noted that the hair under her arms had begun to grow once more. She had to begin shaving her underarms again! Her hypothyroid symptoms, non growing hair under her arms, were due to estrogen dominance.

Confirming Clinical Hypothyroid (normal lab tests T3, T4, TSH, but feeling lousy)

The most reliable way to confirm clinical hypothyroid is to measure the urine temperature for three consecutive days. Urinate in a Styrofoam cup for 3 consecutive days in the morning as soon as you get up. If you forget one day then don't worry just continue until you get 3 consecutive days. Measure the urine temperature with an ordinary health care thermometer. If the temperature is below 98.6 consistently, ( usually 97) then you most probably have clinical hypothyroid.

Why Do Hypothyroid Symptoms Disappear with Progesterone?

Dr. Lee reasons that thyroid and estrogen oppose each other. Estrogen causes food to be stored as fat. Thyroid hormone causes fat to be burned as energy. Patients with normal thyroid hormone levels measured by laboratory tests have symptoms that suggest they have hypothyroidism. When these same patients are given progesterone which is know to oppose estrogen their hypothyroid symptoms ceased. This implies that too much estrogen in the body, estrogen dominance, interferes with thyroid hormone action.


Cutting down your intake of estrogen and taking progesterone causes migraine headaches to become less severe according to Dr. Lee. Because estrogen dominance also interferes with thyroid hormone action, migraine headache patients are likely to have symptoms of hypothyroidism and be on thyroid supplements even though measured TSH, T3 and T4 are normal.

After taking progesterone for several months, thyroid function becomes normal and thyroid supplements can be cut back and possibly eventually discontinued.