The Cause of
Migraine Headaches Migraine headaches are made worse by estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance means too much estrogen
relative to progesterone. Estrogen dominance contributes to the cause of migraine headaches. Too much estrogen may come from xenoestrogens, prescription hormone therapy, or being 35-50 years old with anovulatory cycles (these cycles just have estradiol and no progesterone).
Estrogen excretion may also be impaired. Natual Progesterone opposes the effect of estrogen. Pastor Henry Wright claims
that having guilt from conflict, then fear causes seratonin and histamine hormone changes. This is why Imitrex works. Imitrex works
by decreasing histamine and increasing seratonin. These hormone changes
cause the arteries to change in size and then cause migraine headaches.
Progesterone cream helps decrease a migraine. However, if the migraine is NOT associated with
the cycle, the progesterone cream will NOT help.
by Elizabeth Smith, M.D. 3 Types of Natural Estrogen, and Many Fakes There are 3 types of estrogen the body produces - estradiol, estriol, and estrone. There is one type of progesterone - progesterone.
The three types of estrogen fit into the estrogen receptor. Progesterone fits into the progesterone receptor. Estradiol is the most potent of the three. In contrast, estriol and estrone fit into the
receptor and stimulate it weakly. Thus, estrone and estriol can 1 Type of Natural Progesterone, and Many Fakes There is only one type of bioidentical natural Progesterone the body makes. It is Progesterone or is now being called "Natural Progesterone". Pharmaceutical companies because of the profit motive again modify the natural progesterone to something unnatural such as Provera or Megestrol so that these drugs may be patented. Because the hormone is unnatural it does not fit into the receptor quite right and has dangerous side effects. These unnatural hormones are chemically different and do not have the same effects as Natural Progesterone. Natural Progesterone cream opposes estrogen in the body. Estrogen Dominance can cause migraine headaches. Excess estrogen causes decreased thyroid function (body temp of 97 and perhaps thinning hair), fat gain around the hips, abdomen, and thighs, water retention and bloating, cyclical breast tenderness, depression, and decreased sex drive. Progesterone, in contrast, causes restored thyroid function, is a natural diuretic (for reducing bloating), reduces cyclical breast tenderness, burns off fat for energy, restores normal sex drive, is a natural mood elevator. Progesterone helps to burn off the fat off the hips, abdomen, and thighs. John Lee, MD makes the important point that progesterone cream can help with cyclical migraine headaches. However, if the migraine headache is NOT periodic with the cycle, then progesterone cream will NOT help. The Solution to Exacerbation of Migraine Headaches associated with the Cycle Take Natural Progesterone. Avoid xenoestrogens. Avoiding xenoestrogens may be even more important than taking progesterone cream. In fact, if you do not avoid xenoestrogens and take progesterone, the migraine headaches may even worsen while you are taking progesterone cream. This is because long term xenoestrogen exposure leads to down regulation of the estrogen receptors. In other words, you become less sensitive to estrogen if you already are over loaded with estrogen. The body tries to compensate as best as it can. However, when you take progesterone, the receptors are resensitized to normal sensitivity, and although the xenoestrogen load is the same. If You Don't Quit Xenoestrogens. . . Caution: Occasionally, a patient will take Natural Progesterone and the migraine headache will get worse temporarily while taking progesterone cream. Bloating and cyclical breast tenderness will get WORSE taking progesterone cream temporarily. The common reason why this occurs is that the patient still is taking in some xenoestrogens. This patient may still be heating food in plastic containers, or has difficulty giving up coffee. Constant intake of xenoestrogens causes the body to force itself to become less sensitive to estrogen out of desperation. So if you drink alot of coffee (a xenoestrogen), in time your body out of desperation will try to become less sensitive to it. However, when Natural Progesterone is taken by a coffee drinker, the estrogen sensitivity goes back up to normal. Thus, since the sensitivity of estrogen goes up to normal even though you are not getting more estrogen, the bloating will get worse, and it appears that you are getting more estrogen. If you do not cut out xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens and take progesterone your migraine will get worse. Even more rarely, the patient will make a very diligent effort to get rid of xenoestrogens and still get worse. The problem is that the xenoestrogens are fat soluble and are stored in the body. For instance, when we stop Birth Control Pills, sometimes the periods are messed up for one year afterwards. Another example, years afterward, people still have bad trips from LSD. This is because LSD is fat soluble. When the person gets sick and does not eat for a while, the fat is metabolized, and LSD is released, and a "bad" trip happens. Another example, I have friend with Outward Bound. He takes drug addicts hiking in Colorado. Many times as they sweat they begin to get high from marajuana (THC) released from their fat. The solution to get rid of your fat store xenoestrogens is to exercise or sauna so as to raise the core body temperature and sweat. Constant low level anxiety or fear may also cause increased cell membrane rigidity and increased histamine with impaired excretion of chemicals (and also impaired estrogen excretion). If there is constant low level anxiety, the patient may have a hypersensitivity to smell and be sensitive to very small amounts of drugs as compared to normal people. This is like having a clogged toilet. Some synthetic chemicals can mimic estrogen and/or block progesterone. Not many chemicals mimic progesterone very well. Most chemicals mimic estrogen, block estrogen, or block progesterone. It is hypothesized that these xenoestrogens (foreign estrogens) or Progestins (foreign progesterones) may compete for or block the receptors for progesterone and estrogen leading to an exacerbation of migraine headaches. Thus, xenoestrogens and other synthetic chemical hormone disrupters have been implicated in pms. The Solution to Exacerbation of Migraine Headaches NOT associated with the Cycle Go through Pastor Henry Wright's free seminar at his church 1 1/2 hours south of Atlanta, Georgia. The church's phone number is (706) 646-2074. Wright claims that it is not just mind over matter; he claims that there may be spiritual dynamics involved. First in these patients, comes conflict with another person. Then, the patient has guilt about the conflict. Then comes fear. These emotions and spiritual dynamics cause a decrease in seratonin and increase in histamine that change the artery diameter. The artery diameter changes cause the migraine headaches. Chemical Foreign Estrogens (Xenoestrogens)
Around the world, there are approximately 100,000
different synthetic chemicals on the market. Some 15% Girls aged 8 sprouting pubic hair and breast buds? Women are now beginning to menstruate in the
United States at age 10. The age of menarche used to be 16. Authorities have insisted that this is normal for a
population with good nutrition. Is it? Herman-Giddons in a landmark study done in 1997 published in Pediatrics
showed that out of 17,000 girls, 15% aged 8 years old began to show signs of puberty in the United States. See
the Time
Magazine article! The Time Magazine
article points a finger at chemicals in our environment that mimic estrogen. |